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Massage Reno: More than just a Relaxing Regimen
Essie Hall
Getting a good massage can really provide utmost relaxation and stress relief. But do you know that massage Reno is more than that?
To know more about the facts on the benefits of massage, researchers in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles conducted a study. They commissioned 53 healthy individuals and randomly picked 29 of them to undergo a 45-minute deep-tissue Swedish massage session while the other 24 a light massage session. In order to immediately collect blood samples before and after the massage, all of them are fitted with intravenous catheters. This way, they can instantly monitor changes.
The researchers, who are sponsored by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a division of the National Institute of Health, were astonished by the results. They found out that a single session of massage caused biological changes. Individuals who underwent Swedish massage showed significant decrease in the level of stress hormone cortisol in blood and saliva as well as a decrease in arginine vasopressin, a hormone that can increase cortisol levels. Another considerable finding is that their lymphocyte levels increased (these are white blood cells that are part of the immune system).
On the other hand, those that received light massage showed significant increase in oxytocin, a hormone that is associated to contentment, than those that received Swedish massage. Also, a huge decrease in adrenal corticotropin hormone was discovered. This is the hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands to release cortisol.
From this study, it can be concluded that a massage greatly promote wellness and health. More than its relaxation and stress relieving factor, it can do wonders to anyone s health. This is in no way different to what massage Reno can provide. While there are lots of different kinds of massages and bodywork treatments out there, all of them are aimed to provide wellness. There is no denying the power of massage. Regardless of the ultimate goal that specific massage is designed for, whether for rejuvenating, therapeutic, or pampering, or the reasons why you must get it such as a luxurious treat, pain management or stress relief, massage reno can really become your powerful sidekick in your overall healthcare regimen.
According to experts, almost 90% of diseases are stress related and nothing speeds up ageing than stress. While it is true that avoiding and eliminating stress, tension and pressure is impossible, but really, massage can help. Massage Reno can help you manage stress and escape from all the stresses, pressures, and tension that you get at work, at home as well as your everyday life. A stress free life can lead to a healthy life.
In conclusion, proven that massage greatly impact one s health and wellness, there is no reason not to include it in your daily regimen. Usually, a person who has received a massage reno somehow creates a sense of perspective and clarity as well as emotional balance. This indeed is more important than any other tangible physical benefits.
Anyone who seeks wellness and ultimate stress, relief, a good massage therapy is a good option.
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