By Richard Armen
When it comes to taking care of things around the home, it’s only natural to look for the easy way out. After all, who really wants to spend hours fixing a leaky faucet or a broken cabinet door? Trying to get through daily life with a minimum of hassle makes sense, until you start trying to find excuses to avoid the upkeep altogether, especially with such essential tasks as implementing home security measures. If there’s ever a time to avoid shortcuts, the safety and security of your family and loved ones should be it. And yet there are countless excuses people make for not safeguarding their home.
The most common excuse is that i’s too expensive to do anything that’s really effective. One of the most prevalent misconceptions about home security is that you have to call an alarm company to install a whole-house alarm system in order to get any protection whatsoever. Actually, home security doesn’t have to be expensive, and you certainly can do it yourself.
Wireless door and window alarms, dummy surveillance cameras, alarm company signs and stickers, and dog bark alarms are just a few of the home security essentials that you can get for $100 or less. Even inexpensive security measures can work wonders for the safety of your home. Criminals seek out homes that have no security protection at all, so even just a few simple devices should be enough to make them move on to the next home. There are plenty of homes to choose from, so they’ll probably move on when they notice you’ve made at least a minimal effort towards securing your property.
If you don’t have the money to pay for better home protection right now, at least do what’s free. Walk around your home to look for areas your home security might be weak. Make sure all of your doors and windows lock securely, and don’t forget to lock them when you leave. If you have a spare key underneath the welcome mat, find a better hiding spot. All of these can make it harder for a criminal to break in, and they don’t cost a dime.
If money isn’t the excuse, then time often is. The second most common excuse made for ignoring home security is that it takes a lot of time to implement good home security measures. In fact, many of these are designed for homeowners to install in an afternoon. By the end of this coming weekend, you could have your home protected, inside and out. You don’t have to have any knowledge of carpentry or electronics, either. Wireless window alarms, one of the most popular DIY home security products, simply screw into place. Protecting your home is easier than you thought!
Don’t let these two excuses stop you from protecting yourself, your family, and your belongings. Spending an afternoon installing some of these inexpensive home security devices can make all of the difference when a criminal is looking for an easy target in your neighborhood.
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Source: isnare.com
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